Imagine if you can, a world void of matter and energy, and consequently void of all properties ascribed to these.
Having made a stab at this impossible task, I ask you to accept a proposal that with a handful of qualifying assumptions will in due course explain the evolution of our Universe from its beginning to the present; along with all the properties of matter and energy. My arbitrary proposal is therefore certainly expedient and its underpinnings run broadly as follows;
Accept that the Universal void you have imagined is in part and parcel composed of two adverse ‘components’ that in a combined state form the entity we call ‘nothing’ (in the way we view zero in mathematics; an entity made up partly of logically related properties described as +1 and -1).
The proposal is that that a part-volume of ‘nothing’ can actually split into two identical ‘real’ entities geometrically defined by the original part-volume. When the two adverse entities have separated spatially out of ‘nothing’, they are ‘different’ from nothing. Should the two ever occupy the same ‘space’ again they return to being zero.
Secondly; make this arbitrary part-volume split up (of nothing) repeatable. The + and – entities (primal atoms) have no ‘properties’ that work across the emptiness of ‘space’ (nothing).
According to the Primal Code, all that exists in our Universe, then as now, are simple entities along with zero void where +1 always ‘equals’ another +1 and -1 equals another -1.
Forget all properties of mass or energy. They are merely collective descriptions of the austere primal attributes (of +1 and-1) when they reach us heavily garbled through multiple layers of relatively immensely vast mass structures (relatively speaking as some of these structures are so small that we did not know they existed).
It is impossible to carry the excess baggage of our conventional views so let us travel light; the ball is mine to throw and yours to catch. You can make up the math as you go along, if you must, but my council is to grasp the big picture before you do. Before we can begin to trace Universal evolution from a first austere split, I must minutely define the existential facts that are present at that barren moment.
These qualifying assumptions, the fundaments of the Primal Code, fall woefully short of the exotic character displayed by ‘matter and energy’. Even so, these simple attributes must stand as the unbroken chain of command that governs every event in the Universe. They are all there is.
There are no attributes other than those of primal atoms, forthwith to be presented. In this, the laws of the Primal Code as a theory of principle, are inviolable. As we progress from a handful of austere assumptions, which takes but a few pages, one cannot manipulate an incorrect outcome of a heavily deformed Universe by using the popular ‘what if’ method.
If the correct outcome does not flow logically from the Primal Code, then the genetic strain of the code is flawed or not fully understood. I ask you therefore to bear with me through these deceivingly simple and repetitive descriptions. Their complicated heritage will tax your mind soon enough.
For convenience, I have arranged the handful of assumptions of the Primal Code under seven headings, adding three more to describe the aftermath of this very miniature bang.